In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and an acute need to expand PPE supplies for US Healthcare and Essential Back-to-Work industries, Ice Mobility, with the support from experts in Healthcare and Biomedical supplies, mobilized a response. This response includes addressing PPE supply chain challenges, while providing fair pricing and expertise that succeeds in meeting the urgent and ongoing needs during and post pandemic.
Ice Mobility is a proven world-class supply chain and logistics solutions provider to the United States market. Founded in 2014, its headquarters and warehouse are located in Lincolnshire, Illinois.
Ice Mobility supports a diverse portfolio of services, industries and products spanning technology and healthcare. The company is at the forefront of 5Gs massive device connectivity potential and acceleration of IoT initiatives, applications and market opportunities.
The company’s ability in overseeing product manufacturing, coupled with its broad distribution and 3PL services, provides for creative end-to-end solutions for manufacturers, healthcare providers, distributors, wireless technology carriers and retailers.
Ice Mobility has direct engagement and quality oversight at the ISO Medical Manufacturers certified (ISO 13485) manufacturing sites. Quality documentation and certifications are available
upon request.
Manufacturing sites and PPE products are all FDA certified/registered and also meet CDC guidelines.
Product is available and will be shipped from Ice Mobility’s US based facility. No Pre-payment required.
Experience and proven processes with foreign and US customs and importation.
- Highly customized logistics solutions and experience with providing high quality products globally.
- Relationship with medical manufacturing pre-COVID, and have on-site resources performing quality control over manufacturing.
- High volume forward and reverse logistics capabilities.